Welcome to the BMFA Wales Area

The objectives of the Wales Area are to:
- Support clubs and all members in the BMFA Wales Area
- Promote safe, lawful model aircraft and drone flying
- Promote the BMFA and British Drone Flyers
- Promote BMFA Affiliated clubs and their activities in the area
The BMFA Wales Area covers all BMFA Members and BMFA Affiliated Flying Clubs located in Wales.
For details of how we aim to fulfil our objectives see our activities, please do not hesitate to contact us if you would like our assistance or if you have ideas how we can support and promote your activities.
The BMFA Wales area has lost a number of BMFA Approved Examiners and we are currently looking for individuals to fulfil these roles. In order to become an examiner you must currently hold the 'B' Certificate and undertake what is in essence another 'B' Test with slightly more emphasis on the rules that govern the hobby. Ideally we would like at least one examiner per area. Remember if you have the 'A' or 'B' Certificate, you got it by another member giving up some of their time to test you so please consider doing some give back and and assist others to gain their certificates.
Upcoming Events
There are no upcoming events.

BMFA Wales Area